2018 has been quite a year in world politics and the economy. Volatility has been on the rise in the capital markets with geopolitical risk increasingly affecting business and investment decisions of our clients. Europe, in which Clairfield has a strong presence, has become the most popular target area for Chinese investors as shown by an 82% year-on-year increase in acquisition values from China outgoing M&A according to the Mergermarket. With our long client relationships, and midmarket as well as crossborder expertise demonstrated by a high level of business referrals, Clairfield is always well equipped to seize opportunities and face challenges.
Clairfield International had its best year ever in 2018 with a robust track record of 130 deals and EUR 3.25 billion in deal value (approximately RMB 25.12 billion). These numbers have resulted in top league table results according to Thomson Reuters/Refinitiv, where we are consistently ranked among the top 10 firms in Europe and top 15 worldwide, including our recent number one spot in Thomson’s high technology table.
Clairfield International在2018年收获颇丰,总计130个交易且交易金额高达32.5亿欧元(约合人民币251.2亿元)。根据汤森路透社/Refinitiv数据显示,我们在财务顾问公司排行榜位列全球前15,欧洲前10,并在最近的高新技术行业排行榜荣登第一宝座。
In November, we announced our strengthened access to the China market via our newly established China Desk. Thanks to this proprietary resource, we have been more active in engaging with Chinese parties who are seeking foreign targets, and non-Chinese parties who are interested in Chinese investment. We have several important mandates currently in progress. One of our most high-profile deals of 2018 was the successful sale of Olivotto Glass Technologies S.p.A. to the Chinese-listed group China Glass Holdings Limited (HK:3300), the leading producer of flat glass for the construction industry. Despite various crossborder hurdles, the deal was skilfully closed by Clairfield Italy. We look forward to further success in China in 2019.
在十一月的时候,我们正式宣布中国事务部成立以进一步了解和进入大中华市场。在其帮助下,我们和中方企业的互动更加活跃,为有意在外国市场寻找标的的中国企业,以及对中国企业、投资感兴趣的外国企业建立桥梁。目前我们已收到并正在处理多个重要委托。我们2018年最值得注意的交易之一,是协助意大利企业Olivotto Glass Technologies S.p.A.向中国香港上市的建筑用平板玻璃生产企业中国玻璃控股有限公司(HK:3300)出售股权。尽管交易过程有不少挑战,Clairfield意大利办公室最终还是成功完成交易。我们期待2019年在中国市场会取得更大的成功。
The Chinese Lunar Year arrives on February 5th this year. According to the Chinese Zodiac, the pig, as the last animal in the 12-year cycle, traditionally represents wealth and good fortune. On that note, all of us from Clairfield International wish you a happy Chinese 2019 Spring Festival and a prosperous Year of the Pig.
今年二月五日便是中国传统新年。根据中国十二生肖,猪年作为十二年一轮的最后一个动物,往往被喻为财富和福气的象征。在此,Clairfield International全体同仁衷心祝贺大家2019中国新年快乐,猪年吉祥,万事如意!