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  • Acquisitions and MBO's
  • Family Business Advisory
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  • Selling a Business
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  • Consumer goods and services
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  • Acquisitions and MBO's


  • Acquisitions and MBO's


  • Selling a Business

    was sold to

  • Selling a Business

    was sold to

  • Selling a Business

    was sold to

  • Selling a Business

    was sold to

  • Financing

    has secured a minority equity financing from

  • Acquisitions and MBO's


  • Selling a Business

    has been acquired by

  • Acquisitions and MBO's


  • Selling a Business

    have been acquired by

  • Selling a Business

    was sold to

  • Acquisitions and MBO's


  • Selling a Business

    was sold to

  • Selling a Business

    has acquired

  • Selling a Business

    was sold to

  • Selling a Business

    have acquired

  • Financing

    have made a minority investment in

  • Financing

    has partnered with

  • Selling a Business

    has been acquired by

  • Selling a Business

    has sold retail pharmacies to a

  • Selling a Business

    has been acquired by

  • Selling a Business

    has acquired

  • Selling a Business

    has invested in

  • Selling a Business

    has been acquired by management with an investment from

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has acquired

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has been sold to

  • Selling a Business

    has acquired

  • Selling a Business

    has made an investment in

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has acquired

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has acquired nine in-store retail pharmacies from

  • Selling a Business

    has bought into

  • Family Business Advisory

  • Selling a Business

    has been sold to

  • Restructuring

    has provided a senior credit facility to

  • Family Business Advisory

    was formed by the split of the stores of

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has acquired the assets of

  • Financing

    has made an investment in

  • Restructuring

    was recapitalized by its existing lender.

  • Financing

    has provided a senior credit facility to

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has bought two European divisions of

  • Financing

    has provided evergreen credit facilities $40 million to

  • Selling a Business

    has acquired its Canadian distributor, Tempur Canada Inc.

  • Financing

    provided a $34 million loan to

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has been acquired by

  • Selling a Business

    has been sold to

  • Restructuring

    has completed a recapitalization.

  • Financing

    has made an equity investment with

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has been acquired by

  • Selling a Business

    has been acquired by

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    and Management has made a significatant investment in

  • Financing

    has made an investment

  • Selling a Business

    has been sold to

  • Selling a Business

    has been sold to

  • Financing

    has made an investment in

  • Selling a Business

    and its Mexican subsidiary have been sold to Finland-based

  • Selling a Business

    has sold a minority interest in its equity to

  • Selling a Business

    has been sold to

  • Financing

    has made an investment in

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has made an investment in

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has been acquired by

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has been acquired by Bexat Developments Inc. and

  • Selling a Business

    has been sold to

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has acquired the assets of a franchise of

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has been acquired by Mr.Stephen Dulong in partnership with

  • Selling a Business

    has been acquired by

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has acquired

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has acquired the West and South operations of

  • Financing

    has made an investment in

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has been acquired by Mr.Michael Franks and

  • Selling a Business

    has sold its portfolio company

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has been acquired by Mr.Gerry Glynn, in partnership with

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has been acquired by

  • Restructuring

    has been recapitalized.

  • Selling a Business

    has been acquired by

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has been acquired by

  • Selling a Business

    has been sold to

  • Financing

    has secured new senior credit facilities

  • Restructuring

    CCAA restructuring of

  • Financing

    has made a investment in

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    has been acquired by

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    have acquired

  • Financing

    has provided a $25,000,000 credit to the manager of

  • Financing

    has raised subordianted debts.

  • Acquisitions and MBO's

    acquired the operations of

  • Financing

    has been refinanced by